Your Payments Using Odoo 17 Accounting

Your Payments Using Odoo 17 Accounting

Businesses can automate follow-up actions in Odoo, sending reminders to clients when payments are overdue based on the number of days past the due date. These reminders can be sent via email, traditional mail, or even SMS. Managing invoice payments efficiently is a common challenge for many companies due to the complexities of accounting processes and delays in customer payments. In this blog post, we’ll analyze into how Odoo 17 Accounting streamlines the payment followup process, making intervention timely and minimizing the need for manual reconciliations.
Setting Up Payment Reminder Levels:
To initiate the procedure in Odoo 17 Accounting, head over to the ‘Follow-up Levels’ section within the ‘Configuration’ menu. Here, you’ll find fields for Description, Due Days, Email Sending, SMS Sending, and Automatic Activity.Create a new follow-up level inner the new setting form window by specifying details such as the description, due dates, and preferred actions, like sending emails, letters, or SMS reminders.
Firstly, you can enter the name of the follow-up level in the ‘Description’ field. Next, choose a timeframe for when you want to send reminders after the deadline has passed in the corresponding field. Turning on the ‘Send Email’ feature in the ‘ACTIONS’ section enables sending emails to customers. Opting for the ‘Send a Letter’ function facilitates mailing physical letters to the customer’s address. Moreover, the ‘Send SMS Message’ feature empowers users to send text messages to customer phone numbers. Users can also choose a mail template for the follow-up level and select the ‘Automatic’ option to automate the process. By enabling the ‘Attach Invoices’ feature, you can include open invoices with the generated follow-up notices.
Arrange Activities and Notifications:
To create a new activity, simply enable the ‘Schedule Activity’ option found in the ‘Activity’ tab. You can then appoint a answerable person by choosing from options like Account Manager, Follow-up Responsible, or Sales Person. The ‘Activity Type’ field allows you to classify the activity, and you can add a brief description in the ‘Summary’ field. Once all basic details are provided, save the information using the save icon. This acess we’re using ensures that we have a well-organized system in place for administering payment follow-ups within our company. With the latest version of Odoo, version 17, we have the ability to personalize our email templates to match our unique
needs. This means we can personalize our communications with clients and collaborator, making them more powerful and professional.
One of the standout features of Odoo 17 is the capability to include open invoices directly as PDF additions in our emails. This not only saves us time but also makes it easier for our propects to understand the context of our communication. By organizing this process, we’re able to recognize our skill and support exceptional connection with our market.
Reviewing Follow-up Reports:
Odoo’s follow-up reports rationalize the follow and executives of unpaid payments, ensuring timely collectibles to clients. The reports dashboard presents essential details such as client names, reminders, follow-up levels, and ongoing activities. Enhancing efficiency, the ability to batch reminder emails is available. Simply select the applicable reports for processing and then opt for the ‘Process Automatic Follow-ups’ feature in the ‘Action’ menu. This functionality facilitate the follow-up process, compressing manual assigment and promoting a structured approach to handling unpaid invoices. Beginning a follow-up action is forthright —just click the ‘Follow-Up’ button to generate an automated email to the customer, complete with related unpaid invoice attachments. For seamless argement , utilize the ‘Auto resolve’ button to automatically fit all journal items. Rather, you can resolve respective journal entries by clicking on the corresponding button in each record’s column .To automate the reconciliation process further, select the applicable journal date range and click the ‘Launch’ button. This not only saves us time but also makes it easier for our propects to understand the context of our communication. By organizing this process, we’re able to recognize our skill and support exceptional connection with our market. This initiates the automatic compromise of journal entries within the specified date range.
Making Customer Payments Effortless:
With Odoo 16’s Payments feature, facilitating customer payments is a breeze. Handle to the payments tab in the customers menu to access a range of design payment options . In this dashboard, you’ve got everything you need to check out a bunch of payment stuff – like numbers, who we’re paying, how much, whether it’s gone through, and more.

Wanna start a new payment for a customer? Just hit that ‘New’ button. If you need to do an internal transfer, you can turn on the ‘Internal Transfer’ option in the form that pops up. Specify the Amount to be received, designate the payment method as Receive or Send, and set the Date for the payment. Choose the relevant Bank from the options available under the ‘Journal’ section. Additionally, configure the Company Bank Account field to specify whether the payment method is batch deposit, manual, or cash.
Once all necessary details are entered, provide a ‘Memo’ and select a ‘Destination Journal’ as needed .A game-changer for businesses seeking smooth sailing when it comes to payments. Imagine this: you used to wrestle with mountains of invoices, transactions all over the place, and financial records that looked like they went through a hurricane. Odoo 17 swoops in like your friendly neighborhood accountant superhero and cleans things up! . This modular architecture ensures that companies have access to a complete set of tools and functionalities to address their accounting needs. So, whether a business wants to manage payroll, track expenses, or generate financial reports, Odoo 17 provides a flexible and comprehensive solution tailored to their specific requirements. One of the standout features of Odoo 17 is the capability to include open invoices directly as PDF additions in our emails. This not only saves us time but also makes it easier for our propects to understand the context of our communication. By organizing this process, we’re able to recognize our skill and support exceptional connection with our market.

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