Odoo Licensing Consultancy

The Odoo community falls under the GNU Lesser GPL version (LGPLv3), derived from GPL and introduced by the Free Software Foundation Inc. GPL, a widely utilized open-source license, allows licensees to use, modify, and distribute the covered software for their own business, with the condition that they share the same license, including the source code. In the case of LGPL, licensees can use the software with the same privileges as GPL permits. However, for distribution, the covered software library or dependency must be distributed under the same license, while newly developed software by the licensee can be distributed in closed code or under any license.

Odoo Licensing

Odoo community License

The Odoo community falls under the GNU Lesser GPL version (LGPLv3), derived from GPL and introduced by the Free Software Foundation Inc. GPL, a widely utilized open-source license, allows licensees to use, modify, and distribute the covered software for their own business, with the condition that they share the same license, including the source code.

Odoo Free App License

New free apps can be developed and used in both enterprise and community versions. Odoo Enterprise allows the use of free apps with any license downloaded from the Odoo Apps store without any additional charges. As the community version follows the LGPL, users can publish and distribute free apps with any license.

Odoo Paid App License

This license is applicable to paid addons found in the app store. To use these addons legally, they must be purchased, or users should obtain written permission from the author. Similar to the enterprise edition, selling, distributing, modifying, and sublicensing these addons is not allowed. 

Odoo Enterprise License

Odoo Enterprise falls under version v1.0, which restricts users from running, modifying, or running after modification of the Odoo Enterprise edition without a valid subscription. Subscriptions are user-based, and using more users than the valid subscription allows is considered illegal. Only Odoo partners are permitted to modify and execute the software.

Benefits of Odoo Licensing consltancy

In the evolving landscape of Odoo, numerous businesses are transitioning to Odoo Open ERP for its extensive applications and user-friendly interface. Odoo licensing consultancies offer expert guidance on the licensing rules and regulations of Odoo, assisting you in selecting the most suitable versions for your business. Licensing differs for the community and enterprise versions, with the community version being open and the enterprise version being licensed. Odoo applications are available as either paid or free apps, raising concerns about modification, reselling, and creating closed apps. A knowledgeable partner well-versed in AGPL, LGPLv3, and MIT licenses can help you navigate these concerns, ensuring you choose the right versions and applications essential for cost-effective and efficient business operations. They guide you in selecting only the necessary applications that align with your company’s financial well-being, covering all aspects of business operations.

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