Trading Operations with Odoo ERP

Odoo ERP System Overview

Elevate Your Trading Business with Odoo

Odoo is a contemporary business management solution tailored for the seamless operation of your trading business. With advanced functionalities, Odoo ensures operational satisfaction and ease, making it the ideal choice. Its exceptional features, specifically designed for trading operations, set Odoo apart as the best solution.

Product procurement & management

Handle procurement operations for your trading firm by managing purchases from multiple sources simultaneously.

Market Analysis

sales quotations

Quotation templates

Sales order via email

Send Proforma Invoices

Payment method

Discounts and Coupons

Sales team Management

Automated Sales Warnings

Ability to lock orders

Manage E-commerce Sales

How can we help you?

Contact us at the Consulting WP office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.

Hassle-free sale operations

Strengthen your customer relationship management

Attract a growing customer base by actively pursuing each lead and business opportunity with the dedicated assistance of Odoo's customer relationship management model
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Strengthen your customer relationship management

Attract a growing customer base by actively pursuing each lead and business opportunity with the dedicated assistance of Odoo’s customer relationship management model
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Strengthen your customer relationship management

Attract a growing customer base by actively pursuing each lead and business opportunity with the dedicated assistance of Odoo’s customer relationship management model

Why do you need Digitalvizta

Odoo, as a highly customisable ERP solution, derives its operational capabilities from careful configuration and development. DigitalVizta specialises in tailoring Odoo to suit your trading business needs, defining operational constraints and parameters. Our extensive clients within the trading sector attests to our expertise and capability in delivering effective Odoo ERP solutions.


Let’s work together

Contact info:
Hours of operation:

Monday - Friday
10:00 am - 7:30 pm