The Best Opensource ERP - Odoo ERP

The finest open-source ERP, boasting users worldwide, offering a singular tool adaptable to any business type.

What is the Odoo ERP System?

Boasting over 12 million users worldwide, Odoo ERP has evolved into one of the most utilized business management software solutions, attributed to its reliability, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. The platform’s open-source nature contributes significantly to its widespread applicability. Odoo offers a vast array of 40,560+ add-on modules, encompassing both paid and free apps, augmenting existing features and propelling businesses towards streamlined operations.

Why OPT for Odoo ERP?

Odoo ERP employs a dedicated modular approach to business operations, featuring application-specific modules intricately interconnected to ensure dependable, efficient, and cost-effective management. Furthermore, the platform adopts a centralized operational model, employing a singular inventory management system to streamline retail, wholesale, and e-commerce operations seamlessly. With a unified database, all company information is stored centrally, facilitating efficient communication both within and outside the establishment.

Accounting in Odoo ERP

During our Odoo demo, we'll make sure you grasp the ins and outs of the accounting module, including its functional features and the supporting modules that play a crucial role in understanding the platform's financial management capabilities. Furthermore, the demo will walk you through key elements like tax configuration, fiscal possession, chart of accounts, and other crucial accounting aspects essential for localizing the Odoo ERP to meet your business requirements.

Website in Odoo ERP

The Odoo website module is a fantastic tool that encompasses the Odoo website builder, e-commerce management, and seamless integration with sales, inventory, purchase, and various other supporting modules within the platform. Our upcoming Odoo demo is designed to walk you through these features from an operational standpoint, providing insights into how they function and interact. Our consultant will be there to guide you through the demonstration and answer any questions you may have.

Sales in Odoo ERP

The sales module in Odoo is a crucial application, and our Odoo demo is geared towards giving you a comprehensive understanding of its features and capabilities in a live environment. We'll walk you through the entire process, covering aspects such as creating sales orders, sending invoices, handling downpayments, and all other operations related to sales in Odoo. It's an opportunity to get hands-on insights into how the sales module can seamlessly operate for your business needs.

Ecommerce in Odoo ERP

In today's world, where everything is digital,E-commerce platforms have evolved into a crucial element for businesses to operate successfully. Now, with the Odoo website builder, you have the power to craft a customized e-commerce platform specifically designed for your company. Our Odoo demo serves as the ideal chance for you to learn the ropes of managing this platform effectively, using advanced tools. We'll guide you through the nitty-gritty details of optimizing and running your e-commerce operations smoothly, ensuring you make the most out of your online presence.

POS in Odoo ERP

The Point Of Sales module in Odoo stands out as a fantastic application tailored for retail stores, seamlessly integrated with both the sales and inventory modules of Odoo. During our Odoo demo, we'll walk you through the diverse features of the POS module and illustrate how you can configure it to effectively manage various retail establishments, be it a store, restaurant, bar, or any other setup, using the Odoo POS system. It's an opportunity to understand the ins and outs of running your retail business smoothly with Odoo POS.

Project in Odoo ERP

The project modules in the Odoo platform are a great tool for outlining new projects within your company's operations. In our Odoo demo, we'll guide you through the process of creating and making these projects operational, demonstrating efficient management techniques. Additionally, we'll show you how Odoo allows you to seamlessly associate employees with each project, streamlining operations and enhancing collaboration within your team. It's a comprehensive walkthrough to help you make the most out of the project management capabilities Odoo has to offer.

Invoicing in Odoo ERP

In the Odoo platform, you can easily generate customer invoices directly from the sales order. However, effectively managing these invoices involves understanding various payment options, payment acquirers, and other relevant aspects within Odoo. Mastering the operational expertise needed for these tasks will be thoroughly explained in our Odoo demo.

CRM in Odoo ERP

In the day-to-day operations of your company, customer relationship management becomes the go-to tool. It's the key to creating and cultivating business opportunities, and Odoo CRM is the perfect companion for the job. Packed with features like lead generation, lead scoring, effective lead management, and conducting activities with customers to follow up on leads, Odoo CRM has got it all.

Inventory in Odoo ERP

In our Odoo demo, we're dedicated to providing a comprehensive understanding of the inventory module on the platform. We'll delve into crucial details, covering everything from putaway rules to various product delivery methods, product movement operations, and even advanced inventory techniques like drop shipping and cross-docking. You'll get a thorough grasp of the ins and outs of inventory management operations in Odoo.

Manufacturing in Odoo ERP

The Odoo manufacturing module is your go-to solution for efficiently managing your company's manufacturing operations. It hands you full control over the entire manufacturing process. From defining manufacturing orders and work centers to automatically generating manufacturing orders based on inventory stock, our Odoo demo will guide you through the complete spectrum of operations. You'll gain a comprehensive understanding of how to navigate and optimize your manufacturing processes with Odoo.

Purchase in Odoo ERP

The Odoo purchase management module comes packed with robust features, seamlessly integrated with the inventory, sales, accounting, and other supporting modules within the Odoo platform. Our upcoming Odoo demo is tailored to walk you through these functionalities, offering insights into operations like sending requests for quotations and detailing various purchase agreements. It's your chance to explore and understand the full spectrum of purchase management in Odoo.

Timesheets in Odoo ERP

The timesheet module in the Odoo platform has been introduced in the latest version, Odoo 14, allowing you to efficiently record employee operations through timesheets. Our Odoo demo is designed to walk you through the benefits of using the timesheet operation and guide you on its configuration aspects. It's a great opportunity to understand how this feature can be beneficial for you and how to set it up in your system.

Email Marketing in Odoo ERP

Email marketing has emerged as a significant method for promotional activities, thanks to its cost-effective nature. The Odoo email marketing tool is designed to assist you in configuring diverse marketing and promotion campaigns through emails. Our demo is geared towards providing a clear and comprehensive explanation of how to utilize this tool effectively for your marketing endeavors.

Expenses in Odoo ERP

The Odoo expense management module is your go-to tool for effectively handling both employee expenses and other company expenditures. In our upcoming Odoo demo focused on expenses, we'll walk you through the ins and outs of its functionality, covering everything from expense creation to approvals and highlighting key operational features within the expense module.

Events in Odoo ERP

The event management module in the Odoo platform is a powerful tool for creating and efficiently managing promotional, marketing, or corporate events for your company. In our Odoo demo, we'll concentrate on unveiling the functional aspects of this module, providing a detailed description of its various key features. It's your opportunity to delve into the capabilities of Odoo's event management and understand how it can elevate your event planning and execution.

Time Off in Odoo ERP

The time off module in the Odoo platform serves as a valuable system for efficiently and systematically managing employee time without causing disruptions to the company's workflow. Our Odoo demo is dedicated to shedding light on both the configurations and functional aspects of the time off module. It's a comprehensive guide to understanding how to streamline and organize time-off management within your company using Odoo.

Recruitment in Odoo ERP

The Odoo recruitment module empowers you to set up both online and offline recruitment operations for efficient hiring processes. In our platform demo, we'll walk you through a real-time example of the recruitment process orchestrated by Odoo. It's a hands-on experience to understand how the platform can streamline and enhance your recruitment efforts.

Appraisal in Odoo ERP

When you have the Odoo recruitment module, it serves as a platform for your employees to request appraisals, and for you to systematically grant them based on predefined criteria in an official manner. Our Odoo demo will zero in on elucidating the functionalities of the appraisal module in Odoo. It's an opportunity to gain a clear understanding of how this module can streamline and formalize the appraisal process within your organization.

Subscriptions in Odoo ERP

Selling products based on subscriptions can encounter challenges without the right management tools. Luckily, with the Odoo subscription module, you can efficiently handle subscription products in your operations. Our Odoo demo is tailored to illustrate the ins and outs of selling subscription products effectively and guiding you on the best practices for their management. It's your chance to explore the capabilities of Odoo in optimizing your subscription-based offerings.

Sign in Odoo ERP

The sign module in Odoo plays a key role in introducing digitalized signatures into your company's operations, particularly when configured with the document modules. Our Odoo demo is set to showcase how the sign module can effectively contribute to the digitalization of your company's processes and documents. It's an opportunity to understand the practical applications and benefits of incorporating digital signatures with Odoo.

Maintenance in Odoo ERP

Maintenance operations are a crucial aspect of any company's functionality, and Odoo recognizes this by providing a dedicated maintenance module to streamline these tasks. In our upcoming Odoo demo, we'll delve into how this module functions and guide you through the configuration of various maintenance operations for your company's equipment and machinery. It's a comprehensive session to understand how Odoo can efficiently manage and optimize your maintenance processes.

Quality in Odoo ERP

The quality module in Odoo is designed to ensure that quality monitoring and maintenance operations on the platform are not only efficient but also effectively integrated into the company's functioning. If you're interested in delving deeper, you can request a detailed Odoo demo specifically focused on the quality management module of the platform. It's a great way to explore how Odoo can enhance your quality control processes.

Studio in Odoo ERP

When it comes to customizing Odoo with additional modules or features beyond the standard operations, the studio module is your go-to tool. Our Odoo demo is all set to guide you through the process of creating applications, views, exploring creation options, and incorporating various features using the Odoo Studio application on the platform. It's an informative session tailored to help you harness the full potential of Odoo for your specific operational needs.

Helpdesk in Odoo ERP

Helpdesks have become a cornerstone of excellent customer service in today's business landscape. Thanks to the Odoo helpdesk module, you can seamlessly manage customer support operations, handle complaint registrations, and explore various other functional models. Our demo is geared to provide a detailed explanation, helping you understand and make the most of the capabilities offered by the Odoo helpdesk module.

Product Lifecycle Management in Odoo ERP

The Odoo PLM plays a pivotal role in facilitating efficient and reliable communication on various aspects of company operations between different departments. Our Odoo demo is tailored to walk you through the configuration aspects of the PLM module on the platform. It's an opportunity to understand how Odoo PLM can enhance communication and collaboration across your organization.

Appointments in Odoo ERP

Having scheduled appointments is crucial for ensuring smooth operations, especially for service-based establishments where employees and customers visit the facility. In our Odoo demo, we'll provide a comprehensive overview of the various aspects of scheduling online appointments. You'll learn how customers can effortlessly book appointments through the company website, via email, or with a simple phone call. It's an insightful session to understand the functionalities of appointment scheduling in Odoo.

Marketing Automation in Odoo ERP

The marketing automation module in the Odoo platform is a real time-saver, providing a hassle-free solution for marketing operations. If you're interested in learning more, you can schedule a demo with our consultant. During the session, we'll walk you through the functional aspects of the module in a real-time environment, offering detailed insights on how it can streamline your marketing efforts.

Documents in Odoo ERP

The document module in Odoo plays a pivotal role in promoting eco-friendly operations by eliminating the need for paper, contributing to a green environment. In our demo, we'll highlight how documents can be efficiently described and created in Odoo. Specifically, we'll delve into the process of saving and generating invoices, as well as managing company-related documents related to sales, purchase, and inventory operations. It's a great opportunity to understand how Odoo's document module can enhance your company's sustainability efforts.

Internet of Things in Odoo ERP

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a groundbreaking methodology transforming the functions of numerous gadgets and machines today. Within the Odoo platform, the IoT module seamlessly supports the operations of these systems. In our Odoo demo, we'll provide insights into this by showcasing the direct integration with IoT devices, highlighting the availability of the IoT box. It's an opportunity to explore and understand how Odoo can connect and optimize your operations with the power of IoT.

Approvals in Odoo ERP

The approval module in Odoo is a crucial support system, facilitating systematic permission requests and operational approvals to ensure the smooth and efficient functioning of the company. Our Odoo demo will zero in on illustrating how employees can initiate approval requests and how managers can efficiently grant these requests. It's an informative session tailored to showcase the practical aspects of using the approval module in Odoo for seamless operations.

Consolidation in Odoo ERP

The Odoo consolidation module offers a clear view of different company charts of accounts that can be consolidated, considering specified currency rates and percentages. In our Odoo demo, we'll guide you through the process, demonstrating how to efficiently perform consolidation operations using the Odoo consolidation module. It's a hands-on session designed to help you understand the ins and outs of utilizing this module for effective financial consolidation.

Employee Referral in Odoo ERP

You have the option to refer your close family members and friends for a position within your company through the Odoo employee referral module. In our Odoo demo, we'll guide you through the referral operations, demonstrating how the Odoo referral module streamlines the process. It's an opportunity to understand how to effectively use this module for referring and managing potential candidates.

Field Service in Odoo ERP

Field service management in any company can become disorganized and less effective without proper management solutions. The Odoo field service management module is designed to bring coordination to operations and introduce advanced functional capabilities. Our Odoo demo will provide a detailed description of how this module works, showcasing how it can enhance and streamline field service operations for your company.

Planning in Odoo ERP

When establishing a business, careful planning based on capabilities and requirements is crucial. The Odoo planning modules come to your aid, assisting in the planning of projects and company operations with efficient management. In our Odoo demo, we'll walk you through the details, providing insights into how these planning modules can be effectively utilized for optimal results in your business operations.

Rental in Odoo ERP

Imagine your company provides rental services for specific equipment or machinery. The Odoo rental management module is your solution for configuring these operations with reliability. Our Odoo demo is set to detail various aspects of using the Odoo rental module, offering insights into how to effectively manage and optimize your rental operations. It's a great opportunity to explore the functionalities tailored for rental service management in Odoo.

Social Marketing in Odoo ERP

Leveraging social media for marketing and promotional campaigns is highly effective. The Odoo social marketing module serves as a valuable tool to create marketing operations directly within the platform, ready to be posted on your company's social media accounts. In our Odoo demo, we'll comprehensively cover all aspects of the Odoo social marketing module, providing you with insights on how to seamlessly integrate social media into your marketing strategies.