How to Offer Your E-learning Course on Odoo 17 Site

How to Offer Your E-learning Course on Odoo 17 Site

In today’s computerized age, e-learning has gotten to be progressively well-known as a helpful and adaptable way to procure unused abilities and information. If you’re a teacher or a substance maker looking to monetize your ability, offering e-learning courses online can be a profitable wander. One stage that offers strong highlights for making and offering e-learning courses is Odoo 17.
With the discharge of Odoo 17, the stage has presented a few upgrades, counting moved forward website-building capabilities and e-commerce functionalities.
To offer courses through your site, you must enact the Paid Courses choice from the Setup Settings of the Odoo eLearning module.
Inside the Arrangement menu, Find the choice for “Paid Courses.” Flip the switch or checkbox another to “Paid Courses” to empower this include. Once you enact this include, you can make paid courses in your eLearning module. After making the course, you must save this course as an Item in your Odoo database.

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Step 1: Getting to the eLearning Module
* Sign Up and Introduce Odoo 17: If you haven’t as of now, sign up for an Odoo account and introduce the most recent form of Odoo 17.

* Explore to e-Learning Module: Once logged in, explore the e-Learning module in Odoo. You can discover it either in the fundamental dashboard or by looking for “eLearning” in the applications menu.

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Step 2: Making a Modern Course
* Set Up Course Structure: Once inside the eLearning module, find the “Courses” area and press on the “Unused” button to start the course creation handle. This activity permits you to characterize the parameters and substance of your modern eLearning course.

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Step 3: Including Course Content
After characterizing the course’s subtle elements, it’s time to populate it with locks in substance. Inside the course editor, you can:

* Include Areas: Separate the course into consistent areas or modules to structure the learning involvement. Upgrade each segment of the course by including substance. Tap on “Include Segment” inside the Substance tab to make unused areas. At that point, select “Include Substance” to input substance titles, labels, and important materials. You can incorporate records, introductions, recordings, tests, and other assets to enhance the learning experience.

* Transfer Reports: Consolidate content reports, introductions, PDFs, or other direct materials.

* Implant Interactive media: Upgrade learning with recordings, sound records, and intelligently interactive media elements.

* Make Tests: Survey learners’ comprehension by planning tests with different address sorts.

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Step 4: Joining Certifications
* Investigate the choice to include certifications to the course. Connect pertinent certifications, indicating completion criteria and appraisal points of interest. This step gives learners official acknowledgment upon fruitful completion of course necessities.

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* Tap on the “Include Certification” button to make a modern certification. Indicate the certification title, sort, term, and mindful client. Give extra data in the portrayal tab.
* Characterize test questions and rewards beneath the Test tab to assess learners’ understanding of the coarse fabric. Assign, adjust answers, and spare the questions to finalize the certification setup.

* Once you’ve chosen the “Include a line” alternative, a modern window will open, giving you the interface to make your address. Here, you’ll input the Address Title, which serves as the provoke for learners to react to. This ought to be clear and brief, viably passing on the inquiry you need to pose.

* After defining the address, it’s time to outfit conceivable answers. Tap on the “Include a line” choice inside the Reply segment to input different choices or choices for respondents. These choices ought to cover a run of conceivable outcomes, guaranteeing a comprehensive appraisal of the learner’s understanding of the topic.

* As you populate the answers, it’s significant to assign the redress one. This can be done by checking the comparing box underneath the “Is Rectify Reply” name following the fitting reaction. This step guarantees that learners are assessed precisely, allowing them to select the rectify option.

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* Once you’ve created the address and given the reply choices, it’s time to spare your work. Tap on the Spare & Near symbol to protect the address inside the certification. This activity finalizes the question’s incorporation in the test segment of the certification, guaranteeing that it contributes to the general appraisal of learners’ knowledge.

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* After sparing the address, you’ll discover it flawlessly recorded underneath the Address title in the Test tab. This permits you to audit the questions you’ve made, make any fundamental alterations, or include extra inquiries to advance and evaluate learners’ comprehension.

Step 5: Customizing Course Settings
The Odoo 17 eLearning module gives wide customization choices to tailor the course encounter to your organization’s needs. You can do this underneath the Options tab.
* The course arrangement Alternatives menu highlights a “Dependable Individual” segment. Moreover, the site where the course ought to be set up can be found inside the Choices tab amid the course creation handle, as delineated in the image.

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* If you need to permit the participants to like and yield surveys on your courses, you can enact the Permit Surveys field.

* The Unused Substance Notice characterizes the mail your participants will get each time you transfer unused substances. Once they reach the conclusion of your course, the Completion Notice will be conveyed to them.

* Say the prerequisite courses to total some time recently getting to the current course in the Prerequisites field.

* Characterize who can get to your courses and substance in the Appear Course To field. It can be set as Everybody, Marked In, or Course Participants.

* Inside the Show alternatives, you have the choice between two settings: Preparing and Documentation.

This commands that courses be completed in the prescribed grouping and displayed as an organized preparation program.

Documentation: In this mode, you have the adaptability to get data in any arrangement. You can utilize the Included Substance box to highlight particular pages on the course homepage if you pick for this setting.

* Enrollment Arrangement permits you to characterize how people will select your course,
advertising a few options:

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Open: Permitting anybody to enlist in your course without restrictions.

On Welcome: Confining enrollment to people who have been particularly welcomed to the course. If chosen, you’ll be required to give an Enlist Message clarifying how welcomed people can enlist. This message will be shown on your site near the course title.

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On Installment: Requiring people to buy the course sometime recently they can select. This alternative is unexpected in enacting the Paid Courses highlight.

* If you select the On Installment choice, you’ll be required to include an item for the course.

* You can utilize the Inner Interface accessible following the Item field to arrange the points of interest of the item as appeared in the picture below.
* While designing the item, keep in mind to select Course as the Item Type.

* Selecting the On Installment choice as the Enlist Approach is fundamental to offering this course online.

Step 6: Seeing and Distributing the Course
* Sometime recently making the course live, it’s fundamental to see it to guarantee everything looks and capacities as planned.

* Once all information is entered, spare the course and certifications. In this way, distribute the course by getting to the Go to Site savvy menu and transitioning it to the Distributed state.

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* Learners can get to the courses by logging into the company site and exploring to the Courses stage. They can see accessible courses and enlist in programs to win important qualifications.

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Buy Courses from the Odoo Website
Now, let’s see how to buy a paid course from the Odoo 17 Site. The trip starts with browsing the broad catalog of courses accessible inside the Odoo 17 eLearning stage. Clients can investigate different categories, themes, and expertise levels to discover courses that adjust with their interface and learning goals.

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Once clients distinguish a course they wish to select, they can tap on the course title to get to point-by-point data. Here, they’ll discover a comprehensive diagram of the course substance, learning destinations, teachers’ accreditations, course terms, and estimating subtle elements.
After looking into the course depiction and prerequisites, clients can continue to select the course by obtaining the course.

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Once you include the item in your cart, you can select your cart and proceed with the installment process.

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Upon clicking the installment button, clients will be coordinated to the installment portal to total the exchange safely. Odoo 17 eLearning underpins different installment strategies, counting credit/debit cards, PayPal, bank exchanges, and other online installment portals. Clients can select their favored installment strategy and enter the essential installment subtle elements, such as card data or charging address. Once the installment is handled effectively, clients will get an affirmation notice, and their enrollment in the paid course will be confirmed.

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With enrollment affirmed, clients pick up moments to get to the course substance and assets utilizing the Begin Learning button. They can start their learning journey by investigating modules, observing directions recordings, perusing course materials, and completing evaluations at their own pace.

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Odoo 17 eLearning gives a user-friendly interface that encourages a consistent route through course substance, guaranteeing a smooth and locked-in learning encounter. All through the length of the course, clients can track their advances, see completion status, and screen their accomplishments inside the Odoo 17 eLearning stage. Intelligent dashboards and advanced trackers give real-time experiences in course completion rates, test scores, and in general execution measurements. Learners can remain propelled and centered as they work towards acquiring unused abilities and gaining course certifications.

Selling your e-learning course on the Odoo 17 site can be a fulfilling endeavor with the right procedure and execution. By following the steps laid out in this direct, you can make a high-quality course, viably showcase it to your target gathering of people, and give a lock-in learning involvement for your understudies. With Odoo’s comprehensive highlights and customizable alternatives, you have the devices you require to succeed in the competitive e-learning showcase. Begin building and offering your e-learning course on Odoo 17 nowadays!

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